Timeless faith Heavenly worship

Saint Basil Greek Orthodox Church

Saint Basil Greek Orthodox Church is located in Stockton, California and is a part of the global Eastern Orthodox Christian community.

The story of Orthodox Christianity begins with Christ Himself Who promised “I will build My church, and the gates of Hades shall not prevail against it” (Matthew 16:18). For 2,000 years the Orthodox Church has lived out these words, sharing the light of the gospel with the world.

"Come and see"

- John 1:46

Everybody is welcome at Saint Basil Church and we personally invite you to visit our welcoming community and come and see the beauty of Orthodox worship.

Sunday at 9:30 AM
Divine Liturgy

920 W March Ln, Stockton, CA 95207


Mauris tristique adipiscing adipiscing

Our Faith

Egestas et condimentum nunc morbi magna


Clergy & Leadership

Iaculis ac augue vivamus dui condimentum



Ut sed aliquam tellus ipsum lacus

Greek Food Festival

In faucibus pellentesque nisl

Live Stream

Mollis a in eget sem feugiat

This is the Faith of the apostles, this is the Faith of the fathers, this is the Faith of the Orthodox, this Faith hath established the whole world.

- Sunday of Orthodoxy Service

123 Demo St, Brooklyn, NY 12345, United States

12pm - 10pm
12pm - 11pm

For reservation

+1-123 456 7890
+1-123 456 7891